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Prepping? Is it relevant in society??

There seems to be a revival of what many consider "The old ways". What does that mean? After all this is 2023. How far back in time do the " Old ways" make sense today? Is what we now consider Prepping actually just common sense?

I should probably discuss what many consider Prepping to be. Especially today and in this highly communicative world we live in, where everyone knows what everyone else is doing, not just at a personal level, but globally as well. Prepping means many things to many people and those in specific geographic areas will Prep for specific reasons. Geographically speaking, those that live on the west coast of North America typically Prep for natural disasters that will affect them. That is not necessarily what someone living East of the Mississippi will be concerned about. Even taking geographic location into account, there are other reasons to Prepare. Some may be concerned about Global catastrophes or even personal financial or physical loss. It doesn't matter what your reasons, thought process or personal beliefs are. The reason people prepare is not because of fear, but because of personal responsibility for oneself and those you are responsible to, not for. (There is a difference but that is a different subject for a different time).

Reasons why people Prep.

  1. Wildfires

  2. Earthquakes

  3. Drought

  4. Crop failures

  5. Livestock failures

  6. Medical reasons (cough cough)

  7. Product shortages

  8. Personal financial losses (job loss, market crash, bank closures)

  9. Global conflict

What do people prepare? That is a valid question and one that honestly can become very confusing, very quickly... If you are involved in social media there are many people that espouse their viewpoints on what you need and why. Literally thousands of people telling you what to buy and why. Trust me, not everyone that involves themselves in the Prepping community have your best interests at heart. Many, however, do. Choose wisely (Think Indiana Jones and the cup of Christ). Below is an abbreviated list of general areas that many people focus on.

  1. Food

  2. Water

  3. Shelter

  4. Medical

  5. Physical fitness

  6. Health

  7. Self-protection

  8. Natural Catastrophes

  9. Man made Catastrophes.

  10. Global Catastrophes

  11. Famine

  12. Plague

Obviously, this list could go on and on. What I have learned over the years is that most people tend to focus on one particular scenario. While that makes perfect sense, I believe that you never know what could happen. The reality is that as you prepare for one scenario, you are actually preparing for many. How deep you go down the rabbit hole is up to you. I do firmly believe that any preparedness is better than none. I also believe that there is no better time to start than now. Incrementally and with a clear focus of the top four in the above list.

We have talked about the Why, the What and when. Within the entire mind-boggling topic of prepping, certain topics will always arise. These topics are usually the first brought up in conversation because they are easy communicated and discussed. As with anything related to prepping always use common sense and analyze your own personal situation. Not what so and so said on YouTube or Facebook.

So how does this growing trend of Prepping have any relevance in 2023 and beyond? Many years ago, I remember my grandparents had a garden every year. I will never forget when I asked my grandfather why he planted a garden. His reply (which was always given in a measured, calm and no-nonsense way) was "to fill the root cellar". I of course being a curious seven-year-old asked, "what's a root cellar"? Which then prompted a tour of the root cellar he built in the 40's. As he explained its purpose, i of course, asked "why"? His response in that same measured way (he garnered respect like no one I've ever met) " to store food in case of hard times". And then finally he got to the root of the problem. He had been a very young boy during the great depression and left home so his brothers and sisters would have food. He was eleven... Let that sink in for a minute... maybe let it sink in for several minutes. He left his mom, his dad and brothers and sisters, because there wasn't enough food. At ELEVEN. Traveled the country by hitching trains looking for food and work... AT ELEVEN YEARS OLD.

That stuck with me. Not everyone in this day and age can even comprehend or have been told something like that. Yet millions of people feel the need to prepare. Why? There is no way that the experiences passed down so long ago have relevance today. Or do they? Or is it something else? I have studied, observed and practiced Prepping for many many years. In general, this is what I have learned about why more people prep now than ten years ago. And why it has exponentially grown in the past five years.

Global communication, trade, interdependence and the on-demand supply chain has created a monster. Most people are so comfortable getting what they want, when they want with minimal effort. And never think twice about it. Very few people even understand where their food comes from, how it is grown, processed, packaged and shipped. Let alone the energy put into getting a carrot or pound of beef from the farm to your table. Ask them to do that for themselves and they would be completely helpless, lost, unable to even comprehend what they would need to do. And that is just food. Let alone all the other necessities of life.

People are not stupid. And deep down, there is growing concern among young and old alike that maybe, just maybe they really aren't in control of their own destiny or have the skills or ability to survive or thrive. There have been some rather drastic instances that make people think. Covid, lockdowns, Global warming, supply chain issues, wildfires, war, the list goes on and on. Prepping is no longer thought of as the crazy guy down the street who has beans and bullets. Prepping is mainstream and becoming more and more popular for a reason. It is up to you what that reason may be. Or even if it is something that is worth your time. If you ever get the chance to have a real discussion with a real Prepper, you will be surprised that they are just like you. Honest, hardworking, God fearing good people that just want to take care of the ones that mean the most to them.

As always

Keep your paddle wet and your powder dry


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Aug 24, 2023
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My own research and personal experiences show that no one is ever more than three bad decisions from being homeless. I was homeless right after graduating high school, sleeping in a park and begging change to have subway fare to apply for jobs. Putting up food (today is fig preserves and jalapeno peppers), gardening what we can year round, keeping chickens, all allows me to focus when tough time happen. Knowing that my family can eat, having water to drink and wash with and having essential power for the freezers lets me focus on the critical issues threatening me and mine.

Aug 24, 2023
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Well said Bill. There are a lot of reasons to prep. Most people don’t even realize that in some way, they all ready do. If you have a 401k, you are preparing. If you ensure your vehicles are in good condition you are preparing. By no means am I an alarmist, far from it. But I do believe that there are an awful lot of people out there that cannot reasonably provide for themselves short and long term. I appreciate your comment and perspective. And would welcome your thoughts on some of your experiences you have encountered over the years!

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