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The call of the West

Recently, i had the oppurtunity to head out west for work. Now while i have traveled extensively all over the world, and had even been through many of the areas i was about to explore. I was not prepared for the sheer impact it had on me.

I should probably preface all of this with some background information, yes i am a Bushcraft and Survival guy. I teach, share and make content specifically about those topics. For years i have been doing this, long before it was a "thing" Way before any T.V. shows or youtube. In fact i have a hard time " sharing" my adventures. mostly i prefer to do and not broadcast, but this day and age has surely changed this old mans perspective. Long before it was cool, i was testing my limits and skills alone, in true wildernes with limited gear and equipment, teaching myself how to exist and thrive in nature. Mostly East of the Mississippi.

So when i had the chance to "Go West my son" i jumped at it. I got lucky, i was one of many who applied for the job. Long hours and very busy days left little time for me to explore let alone spend any amount of time testing my limits in a new environment. However i did manage to get to know the environment and do a fair amount of exploring.

In the coming weeks i will be sharing some of my stories, pictures and thoughts about a variety of topics, specifically related to this trip. Everything from how to prepare for long distance travel, EDC gear for your truck, Navigating new terrain, Saftey and medical considerations for long distance travel and how to enjoy nature in new places. Some of these articles will definitely help you in planning a trip and some of these articles will help you connect with nature and all the glory that comes with it.

i hope you enjoy what is coming as much as i did and for those interested there will be some new classes coming soon that will help you have an experience of a lifetime.

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